
About Me

"Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung."
- Voltaire

Facebook status update on Sun June 14, 2009, 5:14 am: has the energy of a sloth but the workload of an ant. --> That pretty much sums me up. I also like to *bite my fingernails and toenails*, *burp* alhamdulillah, *dab at solitary tear rolling down the right cheek*, LOL, procrastinate, whine about procrastinating, sleep, and sleep, all not necessarily in that order. I like to call myself a pulchritudinous polyglot (alright maybe I'm stretching the pulchritudinous bit), but I am definitely a polyglot, since I can speak 7 languages. If you would like to entertain me or be part of my Dumb Guy Chronicles, you can e-mail me here. :)